In the WebTrader release, it becomes possible to change the volume and price of open pending orders in the Trading panel. To do it, when the Trading panel is open, traders should select the pending order by clicking on its marker on the chart or on its row in the “Trade” tab. The values will automatically appear in the Trading panel. To save the changes, traders need to confirm them.
The maximum volume for the pending orders has been limited. From now on, it is impossible to create a pending order with the volume more than 999.99 lots for the 0.01 minimum lot groups, with the volume more than 999.90 lots for the 0.10 minimum lot groups, and with the volume more than 999.00 lots for the 1.00 minimum lot groups.
Also, in the August release of the WebTrader, two new types of pending order closing statuses (“Invalid calculation type” and “Trade forbidden”) have been added in the “Report” form. The “Invalid calculation type” status is given to the pending orders, that were opened for the instruments with the “Index” calculation type, when the market price reaches the price specified in the order. The “Trade forbidden” status is given to the pending orders that must have been executed after the quote, which should have caused the market order to open, appears when the market is closed.